
Voluntariado Fundación Omar Mosquera - YouTube[via torchbrowser.com]

2015-01-06 42 Dailymotion

The Omar Mosquera Foundation is a non-government and non-profit organization whose primary goal is to improve upon the education, health, and wellness of the most underpriviliged communities in Ecuador. This is accomplished through public and private volunteer projects, carried out by both local and international volunteers.
Founded on October 4th, 2006 by the Mosquera Medical Foundation in Quito, the Omar Mosquera Foundation focuses on community development for the indigenous people of Ecuador. Medical care has been provided to thousands of school-aged children, and collaborative efforts have also seen the development and implementation of foreign language programs, environmental education programs, and sports programs in schools.

The Omar Mosquera Foundation provides educational programs for students of all ages in Chimborazo, Ecuador. These include the following:
Environmental Education
Focuses on acquiring ecological awareness, which can help preserve and improve the environment. This involves teaching recycling strategies and the reusage of waste in schools. Planting of organic vegetable gardens, among other methods, have been implemented.
Sports Education
Focuses on physical development, sports techniques, and group collaboration. Primarily taught within the framework of basketball and football.
Language Education
Focuses on the obtainment of basic English vocabulary and grammar, with the help of English-speaking volunteers.

Health Education
The Omar Mosquera Foundation has developed an educative program that offers students urgently needed instruction on important topics such as:
Personal and Oral Hygiene
Here, students are taught to properly wash their body and hands, maintain physical health through personal hygiene, and to maintain oral health by eating properly and correctly brushing their teeth.